Sunday, January 27, 2008

Join The Discussions!

Join a variety of extremely interesting discussion with Prager fans from all over the country.

Click Here

Also, if you would like to be a co-author and have the ability to post on this site, please send an email to:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

South Jersey Prager Meeting

A meeting is planned for Tuesday, January 29th, 7:30 pm at the Barnes & Noble on Route 70 in Marlton, NJ.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Sky’s Not Falling! -- Why It’s OK to Chill About Global Warming

Read about a book that is aimed at 8- to 12-year olds to counteract all the hysteria and propaganda about global warming.

Click Here

Dangerous Demagoguery

This is a very good article by Thomas Sowell. It expands on the points that Dennis Prager has made about Barack Obama's rhetoric. Sowell writes, "Barack Obama says that he wants to "heal" the country while at the same time promoting the idea that all sorts of people are victims for whom he will fight."

Click Here

Dennis Makes Persuasive Case For Supporting Giuliani

Click Here

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Interview

I just had a chance to watch the Ayaan Hirsi Ali interview on the CBC, and I was blown away by the hatred of the United States that was expressed by the interviewer, Avi Lewis. His incredulity over her positive statements about the United States was fascinating, and he tried to correct her by telling her about our "broken democracy," our "stolen elections," and the fact that Christian fundamentalists have taken over the U.S. government and are imposing Christian law! He wanted her to see that there is no difference at all between the terrible U.S. and the kind of oppression she was describing under sharia law in Muslim countries. He abruptly ended the interview when she said (paraphrasing), "You've been raised in freedom, so you spit on it."

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Signing on as a new blogger

This is my first visit to a blog ever. Thank you Alan Miller wherever you are for the wonderful new lyrics to the happiness hour theme song and for creating this blog. I hope to make it to a Prager Meet-up soon but I will definitely look for everyone on February 7 at Beth El. I am arranging a Prager Devotee table for interested parties to sign up. Gloria

Friday, January 4, 2008

Congratulatory email from Allen Estrin!!

Dear Alan:

Congratulations. I wish you could have seen Dennis when he first played on his computer in the studio. He just exploded with laughter. He loved every moment of it. Can you make an MP3? I'd like to have a better recording. We will definitely play it again. Who knows? It might really catch on.

Also, the blog is very impressive. Great work. I'm sending the link to Dennis. He'll get a big charge out of that, too.

You must introduce yourself to Dennis when he comes to New Jersey.

All the best,
Allen Estrin
Executive Producer
The Dennis Prager Show

Congratulations to Alan

Dennis Prager played Alan's Happiness Hour theme song today at the opening of the Happiness Hour. I think that's pretty exciting, and we heard it first!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

How Things Went At Cherry Hill Area Meeting Tonight

Well, there were 4 of us in attendance, 2 of whom had not previously been to any meetings.

We spoke about a variety of issues including (but not limited to) the effect that Prager has had on our lives, Jewish ethics, liberal mentality, education, Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, the consequences of being in college these days, Prager's phenomenal ability to articulate issues in such a way that he can change minds, and a variety of "Pragerisms."

Another question we pondered is how would one describe Dennis Prager to someone who doesn't know who he is.

All of us plan to attend Prager's presentation in Cherry Hill on February 7th.

Once again, it was great to be able to sit down and have stimulating conversations with like-minded people.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Prager Meetings on Thursday Night

There are different area meetings at Barnes & Nobles scheduled for tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. I'll be attending the meeting in Willow Grove, and I hope some of you will drop in, if you're in the area.

There will also be a meeting at the Marlton store.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Very Good Prager-Fan Discussion Forum

There are always great discussions going on at this site where some folks from various parts of the country participate.

Prager Fans