Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Interview

I just had a chance to watch the Ayaan Hirsi Ali interview on the CBC, and I was blown away by the hatred of the United States that was expressed by the interviewer, Avi Lewis. His incredulity over her positive statements about the United States was fascinating, and he tried to correct her by telling her about our "broken democracy," our "stolen elections," and the fact that Christian fundamentalists have taken over the U.S. government and are imposing Christian law! He wanted her to see that there is no difference at all between the terrible U.S. and the kind of oppression she was describing under sharia law in Muslim countries. He abruptly ended the interview when she said (paraphrasing), "You've been raised in freedom, so you spit on it."


Anonymous said...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was kicked out of the Netherlands after she was caugfht out telling lies to gain refugee status. She claiemd to be a poor Somali refugee fleeing an oppressive father. Instead, she was an upp-ermiddle class daugher of a Somali politician living in comfort in Kenya.

It says alot about American conservatives that they are stupid enough to allow a confirmed liar into their country. You are drinking the dregs of beer which the Dutch spat out and you don't even realise it.

Such is your hatred of anything resembling Islam that you will gladly adopt an athiest who believes anyone who teaches creation science should be jailed.

You are a nation who would gladly throw Jesus Christ into Guantanamo Bay prison just because he looks Middle Eastern.

We in Australia laugh at you Americans. Our last Prime Minister worshipped you. And what happened to him at the last election? Not only did his government lose office but he actually lost his seat!

Alan Miller said...

Obviously the Age of Stupidity has infected Australia.