Monday, December 31, 2007

How Modern Liberals Think

This was done last March, but if you haven't seen it, it's well-worth seeing.

Evan Sayet gave this presentation at the Heritage Foundation. Ironically, he used to be a comedy writer for Bill Maher.

Click Here


Lynda B. said...

Thanks, Alan. I'm glad I had time to watch the entire presentation this morning. It was terrific and reminded me of a "liberal encounter" I experienced before the last presidential election.

I was literally screamed at in the hallway of my synagogue by an elderly couple, because, in a group conversation about the election, I said I was voting for Bush rather than Kerry. They yelled, "How can a Jew vote for a Republican?" I calmly asked, "How can you vote for Kerry--a man who literally worships at the feet of the United Nations, probably the most anti-Semitic organization in the world?" The husband immediately demanded to know, "Who said that?" Not understanding what he meant (as in, who gave you that "talking point"), I answered, "I said that--I just said that to you!" He asked again, yelling, "WHO SAID THAT?" By this time, I was yelling back, "I said that!" Then came their next best shot, and the husband actually said, "Are you even REALLY Jewish?" I thought about answering that, but decided against it, and just shook my head and walked away.

I thought at the time that this was a perfect example of a liberal Democrat not responding to a particular argument, but, instead, of course, attacking the person who made the argument.

I didn't last too long in that synagogue.

Alan Miller said...

Just reading about your experience in the synagogue makes me feel so angry.

Unfortunately, your vignette typifies the way things are. Prager is right when he explains that the religion of most Jews in this country is not Judaism, but rather Liberalism.

And there's no way to engage them (or liberal non-Jews for that matter) in any rational discussion.

At first I thought to myself that I wish I could have been there to confront that putz of a husband who yelled at you, but I probably would have just ended up yelling back at him, and would have accomplished nothing constructive.

You were wise to just shake your head and walk away. Still, the entire encounter just infuriates me.

Interestingly, a very large percentage of the people I've personally met so far at the Prager meetups are Jewish. If only more Jews would listen to Prager on the radio, maybe things could be different.

I'm so amazed by what he (Prager) accomplished a couple of months ago when he gave a talk at a college in California (I forgot the name of the college) on Islamo-Fascism. He faced a potentially very hostile crowd - and literally disarmed them. My impression was that he even changed some minds. And I think he's probably the only person around who can effectively do that.

That's why I wish he had more exposure. Perhaps that documentary that is being made - "Baseball, Dennis, and the French" - will help get him more exposure. I hope so.

By the way, which synagogue were you referencing - the reform synagogue on Old York Road that was built by that famous architect?

Lynda B. said...

It's not easy being a tiny minority within a minority, is it? By now, though, I'm used to the garbage. I'm not saying that I take it, I'm just saying that I'm used to it.

A few years ago, I met a black attorney, who happened to mention that she had just come from a meeting of area Republicans. The two of us had a good laugh when I said, "I'm a Jewish Republican, and I thought *I* was lonely!"

Alan Miller said...

I think I should renew my membership in the Republican Jewish Coalition. (Yes, if you don't know already, there is such an organization.)

And, if you haven't visited this site, you should take a look.

Jewish Policy Center