Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Blog Authors

So far - Kimberly, Dave Merc, Gene, Harris, Lynda B, MikeG, Robert Baker, M.D., and Mama Padawan have accepted invitations to be blog authors on this site.

I encourage all of you who haven't yet responded to the invitations to do so, because it enables you to post - not just to leave comments.

I visited one of the sites that are listed on the right-hand sidebar - the "Prager Fans Bulletin Board," and got involved in some interesting conversations with people in other parts of the country.

I'm pretty sure we can do the same on this site, so if you get the inclination and when you have the chance to do so, please start posting (topics, ideas, questions, links, etc.) and/or leaving comments.

By the way, if anyone has time to watch (the video) or listen to (the audio) of Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Mona Charen, and John Podhoretz speaking at Temple Emanu-El in San Francisco on 12/9/07 (the link is also on the sidebar), it's terrific!

Also, further down on the sidebar is a link to "Attitude and Gratitude" - the memoirs of Max Prager (Dennis' father). It's really rich - and you can find pictures of Dennis when he was a kid and a young man.


Alan Miller said...

Commenting can be fun.

Alan Miller said...

I'd like to thank Cole for finding this blogsite and for adding it to the growing number of Dennis Prager Meetup sites, Cranston (from for giving me the link to the Dec. 7th panel discussion, and Birch (from for some great conversations.